ParlQuest® is a revolutionary new computer software system. It is designed to provide a structural approach to the challenging task of becoming a Registered Parliamentarian. It is designed for those students of parliamentary procedure who wish to enhance their test-taking skills. It also provides an excellent refresher for parliamentarians who wish to retain their skills. Check out the recent and amazing statistics for this program below (based upon 1st-3rd quarter publications in the National Parliamentarian®*).
Notice to prospective purchasers: We have a new marketing agreement authorizing the distribution of the Study Guide Questions from the National Association of Parliamentarians ("NAP") as part of ParlQuest. You may also purchase ParlQuest from the NAP website. The address is:
ParlQuest has been updated and now contains an additional and more comprehensive set of test questions. The new test questions all include page and line number references.
ParlQuest has the largest test bank of multiple choice questions available today. ParlQuest contains over 2,400 questions as well as the 1,200 questions contained in NAP's Study Guide. ParlQuest has one or more questions for every page of the 63 sections of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition ("RONR")!
These questions have been developed and reviewed exclusively by a team of Professional Registered Parliamentarians (called the "ParlQuest Pioneers"!)
The user can interactively test his or her knowledge in a session based on selected criteria (sections, chapters, page numbers, rule numbers, etc.) from RONR.
The user can customize each interactive test session. This is done directly on the screen and provides both standard and randomizing sequences with selected reviews and test re-take capability.
The Notes feature, which comes with all editions of ParlQuest, allows the user to record comments about each question that can be accessed together with the question. Access is provided to a display only version of the RONR pages containing the answers to the test questions.
ParlQuest runs on several versions of Windows®*
Minimum requirements:
Go to the ORDER page to order ParlQuest for $115 + $5 shipping.
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© Copyright 2003, by RPG III, Inc. d.b.a. Management Information Consultants. All Rights Reserved. ParlQuest is a registered trademark of RPG III, Inc. Prices and terms subject to change without notice.
* National Parliamentarian is a registered trademark of the National Association of Parliamentarians. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.